
two sets of experimental films

a cinematographic research into common stereotypes and role patterns in popular media, with an emphasis on the arbitrariness of our identities. Each film has its own protagonist and spherical physical monologues. A series of works, fragmented stories without causal but with associative coherence, unfinished narratives, strongly edited in order to reflect and examine stereotypical identities in media (popular culture).

two encounters with one character. a background story that seems familiar. magnified in clichés. fragmented stories without causal but with associative coherence, unfinished narratives, strongly edited. a new protagonist each time. shortstories sliding next to and through each other, creating new space.

two ultrashorts filmprojects | artistic research of a screendance project

crew  Kristel van Issum |  Martin Kers | Han Stubbe
performers  Johnny Lloyd | Blennard Azizaj
period  2018 - 2024

Cinedans Fest ’19 Amsterdam | November Music ‘19 Den Bosch | Parktheater Eindhoven


the soldier

‘We have found ourselves with common enemies and it’s a marriage of convenience’

A broken G.I. Joe, entangled in clearly visible green-screen operations with the backdrop as a space for his experience/memory. Black and white snapshots of the soldier’s unconsciousness following his own navigation system. Interiors of hallways, hotel rooms, an animated character moving, coming close. The soldier on the bridge with a cigarette in his mouth, talking.

episode one  Johnny Lloyd   2019 | 2021


in transit

‘The chosen one’  

Sketches of one figure | basic concepts for compositional shapes: Triangular shapes | central figure of interest accentuating vertically | connecting shapes | framing main figure | capturing repetitive motion. A continious rearrangement of material, sources and content. A way of working that follows the unpredictable course of an artistic process, which allows other subjects and interests to appear, emerge out of the process.

episode two  Blennard Azizaj   2021 | 2023



the suburban housewife 

‘The stay-at-home trophy wife’

episode three  to be announced  



the wasted one

‘What’s left to fight for ...’

episode four  to be announced  



the terrorist

‘the innocent one | the christian’

episode five  to be announced  



the neurotic unofficial

‘Appliance for Disposal’


episode six  to be announced  
