concept | choreographer | screendance director Kristel van Issum
co-creator | performer Johnny Lloyd
concept | film director | camera | editing | animation Martin Kers
music composition | soundtrack Han Stubbe
filmed at studio het Dak | de Vrije Ruimte (Theaters Tilburg)
supported by DansBrabant Heleen Volman + Wim van Stam
funding MakersFonds Tilburg | Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds
Cinedans Fest ’19 Amsterdam | November Music ‘19 Den Bosch | Parktheater Eindhoven

the Soldier
Kristel en Johnny started to work together on the fictional character ‘the Soldier’. For a few weeks they discussed, collected references and materials and created the outlines for this personage. We did a preliminary screentest to share the newly developped material and shot some footage for a trailer.
After that we built a greenscreen studio in studio ‘het Dak’ and ‘de Vrije Ruimte | Theaters Tilburg’, followed by outdoor shooting in Moerenburg near Tilburg. Impulsive and improvising, but based on the material Kristel and Johnny created. After all the filming was done, the footage was re-interpreted and experimental sequences were constructed.
’ the urge for the human element ’